9 Tips To Improve Your Night Diving

9 Tips To Improve Your Night Diving

Have you experienced a night dive yet? It’s something we think all divers should experience. You can go to the same dive site you’ve been to dozens of times, and it will look and feel entirely different in the dark. To help you get the most out of your next adventure, we’ve put together a list of our top 9 tips to improve your night diving.

Tip #1: Know the Site

Before going on a night dive, you want to explore the site during the daytime. You’ll be much more comfortable with the layout and know if you need to adjust any of your equipment before the night dive. Even if it’s not required, we highly recommend exploring the site when the sun’s up.

Tip #2: Listen to Your Guide

It’s always important to listen to your guide. They’ll teach you the night dive signals, emergency protocols, and they likely know the local marine life. Your dive guide will help you find some fascinating critters that only come out at night.

Tip #3: Stay Shallow

Night dives tend to be in shallower waters, so you can take the time to go slow and explore. Since your light source is only 5-10 feet away from what your viewing (unlike during the daytime), colors will be much more vivid.

Even if you’re a seasoned veteran, there’s no need to dive deep, especially if you’ve been diving all day.

Tip #4: Let There Be Light

You’ll want to make sure you have a primary and backup light with you. While your main light can be as large and bright as you’d like, your backup should be small enough to easily pack while still being bright enough to help you find your way back. Keep in mind that if your main light dies and you have to switch to your backup, you need to end the dive.

Tip #5: Dive at Dusk

Diving at dusk will still give you the full underwater experience of night diving. The light disappears faster underwater than above it, allowing you to slowly ease into night diving as the sun sets. Having some sunlight above the water gives you the added benefit of gearing up in the light. Plus, you’ll get to see the daytime creatures head to bed while the nighttime critters come out.

Tip #6: Know the Signals

One of the challenging parts of night diving is communication. Make sure to review your signals and agreeing on the ones you’ll use beforehand. You can choose to shine your light on your hands or make signals with your lights.

Tip #7: Aim With Caution

While you may want to shine your bright light around as much of the ocean as possible, you want to point your torch with caution. You don’t want to shine your light directly into your dive buddy’s eyes, as this can ruin their night vision. Additionally, waking up sleeping marine life with bright light can cause them to become disoriented and stressed. Being courteous of others will keep your dive buddy and the local critters happy.

Tip #8: Ask for Help

If you have any questions or concerns before your dive, don’t hesitate to ask for help! We’re trained to help you feel safe for both day and night dives, and it’s better to assist you before we get in the water.

Tip #9: Have Some Fun

Last but not least, don’t forget to relax and have fun! When diving at night for the first time, it’s normal to be a little nervous. Remember that night diving is an incredible and exciting experience that completely transforms the dive site. Underwater colors will be more vivid, and you’ll find some new critters!

San Diego Scuba Guide

Night diving opens up an incredible new world! You’ll experience the dive site in a whole different way. While it may seem intimidating, night diving is one of the most peaceful and beautiful diving experiences. If you’re ready to take the plunge, give us a call! To join us on a dive you’ll never forget, give us a call at (858) 397-8213 or contact us directly on our website.

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